Good morning, Digital Neighbors!
Yesterday was a bit of a long read for you Supporters, sorry I babbled on a bit long about the nature of Fallen Angels, the tension between acceptance by God and the call to conversion and rambling about Purgatory. I probably should have broken it into two posts instead of one long one. I sit down for these posts with an inkling for where I hope it goes and then start typing. There is some editing and revision, but it is minimal, most of it is thoughts and ponderings that have been tumbling around in me for a while.
In proportion to God’s need of nothing is man’s need for communion with God.
Since the first time I read those words from St. Irenaeus I was struck by them. While God does not need us, He desires us. And while we might not desire God, we do need Him. His need for nothing is absolute, our need for Him is absolute. While it is absolute, it cannot be forced upon another, faith by coercion is no faith at all, but rather compliance for the sake of the coercer. One must come to the realization of St. Irenaeus by their own free will. Others may influence, witness to their faith, but the forcing of it out of another does not work. A faith of compliance will wither as soon as the reason for compliance disappears.