Good morning, Digital Neighbors!
I have a busy Monday morning ahead of me, so this morning reflection is a reprint of one I had a back in the early days of Locals when I was only on the Rubin Report, Phetasy & Triggernometry. But first some perspective and a rant.
Back in the days when Padres was percolating, but not yet realized I was gradually meeting many of the kind souls that make this space what it is. Others have joined us and become part of the Irregulars. If you really want to know the gang, pop in on Coffee Talk, Speakeasy or a @AudreyAudrey Smooze, @MinaH Tea Time or other hosted voice/video chat. We try to make Padre’s a personal connection without taking things personally, a place for laughter, discussion, reflection, and some venting about the crapfest happening in our world. Sure, we can get crusty at times, most of us are curmudgeons and curmudegeonessas, but we try to make this a place of meaningful connection.
Some of the humor may be a bit rough for gentler souls, but no one should come looking to be offended. If you are waiting to be offended, you don’t belong here. It is not a space for everyone, but for most decent and perhaps slightly bonkers individuals. There are far too many waiting to be offended in this current chapter of life. They are some of the most miserable people in the world. If there is something you don’t like, scroll through it. I am never so outraged by what I see on the internet that I must write a respond, contact a superior or try to get someone cancelled. I TURN IT OFF. Used to do that on TV or the radio back in the day if I heard something I didn’t like. Go figure. People seem to have forgotten that no one has a right to go through life unoffended. We must learn to deal with offense without becoming wounded whiners. Whiners, perpetual victims, and grievance mongers do not know laughter or joy, they only suck it out of life and make every life they touch less joyful. Anyway, enough of my morning rant. Lent seems to be a less than ideal time for that.
I am
to be born
in good health
of kind parents
To do enriching work
To have sufficient food to eat
To feel warm enough in winter
To feel joy that I can share with others
To have healthy children I love who love me
To have friends I care about who also care about me
To live in this house in this town in this state in this country
At this time on this planet and have so much gratitude for it all.
That my Digital Neighbors is one of the best perspectives and attitudes to possess. Much love and prayers for all of you this fine day. - Padre