Good morning, Digital Neighbors!
More goodness from the Office of Readings! Again, the Office, which gives its name to the entirety of prayer throughout the day is the first “Hour” or period of prayer. The Liturgy of the Hours, the Divine Office, is the prayer of the church that grew out of Jewish prayers of Psalms. From Catholic Culture. Org:
We can only give some slight outline of the history of the formation of the Breviary. The observance of some public, or liturgical, forms of Prayer by the Church, is of Apostolic origin. The Jews, we know, had their three sacrifices each day, viz., at dawn, in the middle of the day and in the late afternoon or evening. It is equally certain that the Apostles and early disciples of Christ did not, from the very outset, cut themselves adrift from the Synagogue. On the contrary, we are expressly told that they continued "daily, with one accord, in the Temple, "the only divergence from Jewish practice being this, that they "broke bread, from house to house, praising God . . ." (Acts ii. 46). It would have been all but impossible to improvise a new form of worship, complete and all of a piece, even had the Apostles wished to precipitate so radical a change. The Old Law is but the shadow of the New, none the less, it seemed but natural to retain at least the framework of Jewish religious life, were it only to smooth the transition from the Synagogue to the Christian Church. We know from a reading of the Acts, how the Church of Jerusalem in particular clung with the utmost tenacity and almost up to the last, to the Temple services which they had loved so long.
Peter Chrysologus - The Golden Worded below the fold for you Supporters. I am more of a John Chrysostom (The Golden Mouthed) fan, but Peter is no slouch. The Greeks certainly appreciate golden as compliment to those who were gifted.