Good morning, Digital Neighbors!
The Scapegoat was front and center in this morning's prayers. The idea seems ridiculous that you could place your sins on the head of an animal and drive it out into the desert. How does that really change anything? On the surface it doesn’t, it is a ritual that acknowledges a few realities that people of Covenant must accept.
- Sin is real.
- It divides us from God and from one another.
- We want to drive sin from our midst.
- Driving sin from your midst is a lot better than driving all sinners from your midst, there would be no one left.
- However, there was a lot of stoning and killing for Covenant breaking in Leviticus, so it wasn’t perfect. Some sins are just too hard to live with as a community because of human weakness, not from a lack of Divine Mercy.
To drive your petty sins out of town with the scapegoat was a simple way to bury the proverbial hatchet and not keep niggling over every little thing. Sin always divides and separates. Most of our sins divide us from one another. Only a few regard our relationship with the Divine. Worship Him alone, Honor His Name & Prescence, Keep holy the Sabbath. The other seven deal with how screwed up humans are and how we can quickly become divided against one another. Living next to one another, we quickly learn the sins of our most immediate neighbors. Families become a mixture of sins and virtues. Striving families can help us learn how to deal with the sins of one another, struggling families often too readily excuse or just accept certain behaviors that most know are not good, and clueless & ignorant families live in cycles of sins and abuse that can be generational.
God wants reconciliation among His children. To live in division is to invite the enemies of our nature into our home, and they belong in the desert. They (The Fallen) want division, anger, envy, and pride in the driver’s seat of human nature. The petty daily edges of our nature need to be driven periodically from our midst, we do not want to focus on them least they accumulate and become so great an issue through sinful repetition that we want to leave or drive the sinner completely from our company. Again, these are the minor things, not the deal breakers of relationships (your list may vary) and one can choose not to focus and obsess about them.