Good morning Digital Neighbors! Several years ago, I wrote a Daily Offering for the staff at Epiphany. It never really took off for them, but I have used it frequently. It is a good spiritual guide for my state of mind as the day unfolded. Enjoy!
Daily Offering
Almighty God and Father, I come before You on this new day to offer You my prayers, my hopes and my dreams. I lift up to Your grace all those who have asked for my prayers.
Be with those who now are in danger of dying, shepherd them at this dark hour to see and trust in Your light. May Your Holy Spirit comfort their loved ones and give them peace and renewed faith.
Be with those who are hospitalized or homebound. Be their strength as they struggle against illness and infirmity. Make me more sensitive to their needs and more willing to give of myself.
Shepherd all those who will travel to work this day, guard their coming and going. May their day be an offering pleasing in Your sight.
Watch over our students and children today. Protect them from the dangers of the world, help us to love and treasure them.
Be with our staff today; make us gracious and understanding, considerate and patient with others. May the little things that inconvenience us be put in their proper perspective so that we may laugh rather than complain. Help us together to serve the needs of our parish and to use our gifts and talents for Your glory.
Lastly be with me, may I never rely only upon my personal talents and abilities, but more completely realize that all I do is through your Son and with His Spirit. Keep me from falling into the traps and pitfalls that accompany ministry. Give me the humility and courage to strive for genuine holiness and joy in all that I do.
Thank you for this day, may I recognize that it is your gift and spend it well.