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June 30, 2024
🎶🎵Hawk Tuah, Hawk Tuah, Hawk Tuuuuuaah!🎵🎶

@Fred_Bourque (added by Padre) I think you just ruined on of Ginger's favorite songs. @ggrimes

June 29, 2024
MOTW 112 - Let them eat tidepods!
June 28, 2024
Meme of the Week Nominees - Voting Open!

Voting should've started today but it seems like some of got sent in postal votes ahead of time, a documentary titled The 2000 Mules of Locals is coming soon 😜

Remember that next Friday (assuming we have more than 5 nominees) the nominees will not be final; you'll have the opportunity to like any you missed in order to get them into the top 5 by Sunday, when the voting proper will begin.

Thank you all for the memes and the nominations, and please let me know if I've missed any!

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Coffee Talk with the ADD Irregulars - Everyday, 6 AM - 8 AM Central.
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From Rod Dreher's Diary


 Rod is spot on and I share his sentiments about this whole month of militant and evangelical Alphabet-soupism.   WOKE is a religion, the viel of totalitarism, and they mean to destoy the past and attack they very foundation that gave them freedom.  I want to beleive for manh with same sex attaraction it used to be about being free to love who you wanted and not fear violence an rejection, but after the Supreme Court permitted Same-Sex Unions, the gays got pushed aside and the Transwakos now run the bus.  The one people to end this madness are those individuals who want to be free to celebrate, but the Transwakos and militant gays have silence and intimidated them.   My 2 cents, Padre

Woke Ramadan

It’s Pride Month now, or as some of us call it, Woke Ramadan. You all know that I am no observer of this disgusting holiday. But this year, I am even more disgruntled than usual. I’ve had more than enough of it. Look:


Every other day or so in this space, I highlight one or more examples of the LGBT movement conquering more space in public and private life. It’s like the religion of white liberals, and corporate America. I’m old enough to remember when we were told by Andrew Sullivan and others that legalizing gay marriage would introduce bourgeois values into the gay community. Didn’t happen. In fact, the opposite happened, and the broader culture has allowed itself to become as obsessed with sex and sexuality as many LGBT people are.

If you had told normies twenty years ago where all this was headed, they wouldn’t have believed you. I know this for a fact, because I did, and was considered to be a fanatic and a bigot. I’m to the point now where I don’t expect society to say, “Enough.” But there does seem to have been a change of some sort. Look:


It’s the never-ending propaganda that’s doing it. I think most people by now don’t give a damn if gay and lesbian people pair up and get on with their lives. In Budapest, I see gay people walking almost every day, hand in hand, on the streets. Nobody’s going to mess with them. That’s what Sullivan et alia promised. If it had stopped there, things would be stable. But of course it didn’t. The trans thing exploded, and the same logic of individual autonomy, and sexual autonomy, kicked in. It’s insane, but people, especially educated people (always the most vulnerable to this kind of crap), accepted it as revealed truth. Now we are a society where the sexual mutilation of children is approved and encouraged by the highest authorities in the land, including the President of the United States.

This is seriously corrupt. And I see every day on social media hard evidence of the colonization of the minds of very small children by this garbage, at the hands of their teachers. We are assured by the Professional Calmers that it’s not happening, and if it is happening, it’s good that it’s happening. At this point I’m so cynical that I doubt the American people have it in them to say no. But maybe I’m wrong.



Who’s that, the Clyde Tolson Rangers? Ten years from now, on current trends, the national security state will have been weaponized to track down orthodox Christians and other hate-crimers who refuse to conform. If you can’t read the signs here, I don’t know what to tell you.

Maybe the Trump verdict will wake some folks up, and make them realize how state and institutional capture by the Left stands to affect anyone and everyone who dissents from what Mary Harrington calls “the Omnicause.”

In Seattle, the city is undertaking a manhunt to capture the person who defaced a Pride crosswalk. In this video, a city leader breaks down into tears over it. If they catch the guy, they’re going to charge him with a felony. A felony! And they say blasphemy laws are a thing of the past. Note well that Trump’s behavior by paying off Stormy Daniels, if it was illegal at all, was a misdemeanor — until DA Alvin Bragg used an arcane legal theory to bump it up to a felony, in this transparently unfair trial.

On that subject, read former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy’s autopsy of that political show trial. Excerpt:

If you think this was a one-off, you’ve not only missed the last 15 years of what passes for law enforcement under both the progressive-prosecutor project in America’s big blue cities and — for most of that time — Democratic Party control of the Justice Department. You’ve missed over a century of American legal devolution, during which the law was reimagined into an extortionate weapon of social “progress,” due process devolved into punitive process, and bad precedents were inevitably exploited into monstrous precedents.

What happened in Manhattan was monstrous. The fallout is the antithesis of a constitutional republic that presumes innocence, imposes the burden of proof on the state, venerates its due-process rules, and guarantees equal protection of law. The antithesis is now the norm. Regardless of what happens to Donald Trump, all of us will live to regret it.

Donald Trump is very far from an anti-gay figure. But I wonder if the serious erosion of confidence in American public institutions among his supporters, brought about by this sham trial, will transfer into a greater willingness to reject other aspects of elite rule — such as the High Holy Month Of Pride.

I’ll say it again: if you come to Budapest, what you will see, in part, is what the world looked like when gays and lesbians were a normal part of public life — Budapest is a liberal city — but did not utterly dominate it with their narcissism. Get on the train, travel 2 1/2 hours to Vienna, and you’ll see what a conquered city looks like.

(By the way, today is the feast day in the Catholic Church of St. Charles Lwanga and his companions. They were martyred in the 1880s in Uganda, for refusing the sexual advances of the lustful King of Uganda, and refusing his commands to abandon their Christian faith. The king martyred a large number of Catholics and Anglicans both. If ever there was a saint for our times, it is St. Charles Lwanga.)

It’s just the fakery of the whole progressive project, you know? This captures it well:


And the lies, like this one about the German cop killed the other day by the stabby Afghan “refugee”:


Sorry, I’m rambling. It’s that kind of morning. I have a big and very unpleasant day ahead of me, and am trying to avoid getting started.

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Days of Joy - The Fulfillment
Easter Reflections

Blessed Pentecost my friends!!1 This season comes to an end with Evening prayer. I pray it has been a beautiful season of gratitude and joy. If you want more joy in your life, practice gratitude for all things. A few words below.

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Days of Joy - Slow me down Lord
Easter Reflections

Happy Saturday my friends!   Good morning and good day to all my digital neighbors! We are in the final days of Easter, and it has been a wonderful season. I hope most of them have been days of joy. If you have been checking in on these little musings, you hopefully have found some food for thought or fuel for prayer.  More Thee, and less me leads to days of joy. More love of God, then neighbor and finally myself puts life in the right order. Until that realization and then the commitment to it, life is disordered and a mess. While God can work wonders in the mess, He really likes it when we make straight His way, when we lower the mountains of pride and fill in the valleys of self-preoccupation.  That straight path is the superhighway of holiness and joy. We will always be tempted to wander off the path, to stop when we should have kept going or hurriedly pass by when we were invited to linger. No one listens to the Holy Spirit flawlessly. We all have to constantly overcome the ever-present SELF and its demands.  Only constant discipline will keep us on the path of Discipleship.  There is no discipleship without discipline, the two are inseparable.  I wish I were better at it with a higher degree of constancy. Each day offers that opportunity. It is never too late to begin if you have a day in front of you.   A good prayer for a Saturday and the summer months in front of us.  Have a great day my friends!


Slow me down, Lord!

Ease the pounding of my heart by the quietening of my mind.

Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.

Give me the calmness of the everlasting hills.

Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing streams.

Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sleep.

Teach me the art of taking minute vacations…of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat the dog, to read a few lines from a good book.

Remind me each day of the fable of the hare and the tortoise, that I may know that the race is not always to the swift; that there is more to life than measuring its speed.

Let me look upwards into the branches of the towering oak and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well.

Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring values that I may grow towards the star of my greater destiny. Amen.

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