Hello there Digital Neighbors! Happy Thursday ADD Irregulars, WSN Niche’ Contributors & all Curmudgeons. Tempus fugit – time flies. I had the best of intentions during November to return to some morning musings. The ass-dragging was attacking me routinely during this Autumn. I still get up early, take my time for morning prayers and look at the morning news from various podcasts and X. I spend too much time listening in the morning rather than writing. I used to do both, listen while I typed, but now I just sit in the recliner and pet the cat or read some thread on X or the comments on YouTube. Go figure.
No promises, but I hope to get back into the swing of more routinely posting come Advent. However, to be honest only time will tell. I still have plenty of desire to bloviate, ruminate and caterwaul about a variety of topics, but the actual sitting down and doing it has been absent. I am tempted to say the pace of things at the new assignment is making me use my energy differently, but that feels like a cop out to me. My gut tells me I need to be more disciplined and need to decide what I am going to do and what I am not going to do and be at peace with it. It is a minor problem to have, I am so blessed in my daily life and ministry.