J.D. Vance: Comprehensively Pro-LifeAnd: Farm Life Truth Bombs; Bulwark Republicanism; John Gray; Davos & Gender
Hello from the Man Cave in Budapest. I shouldn’t be writing today — I have laundry to do, and other things to write — but there are several things I want to share with you, and I don’t want to wait till Monday. Y’all remember that I gave you this weekend extra when the day comes that I can’t write a regular weekday post. If you missed Vice President J.D. Vance’s speech at the March For Life Rally, watch it here. What I found most appealing was Vance’s placing of pro-life activism within the context of family formation. That is, he connected the right to life of the unborn to a broader culture of life in which children are welcomed into intact and thriving families. From the transcript of the speech:
Amen. Hallelujah. And: Truth Bombs From Farm LifeNow, here’s a great essay from The Free Press by Larissa Phillips, who gave up Brooklyn life back in 2010 and moved with her husband and kids to a farm upstate. She writes about the things she’s learned about reality there. Excerpt:
We ought to all start to understand that the entire country has been gaslighted for a long time by liberal elites. Five years from now (if it takes that long), most people will look back in amusement and horror that we ever believed in things like transing children, advocated for it in schools (poisoning the minds of children against their own natural functions), and mandated protecting it in law. Personally, I saw the transing children issue as a bright red line: if a society and a civilization can accept doing that to children as a good, what won’t it accept? I don’t think we will be free from that evil until it is buried in the grave with a necklace of garlic and a stake through its heart. The acceleration of the Great Awokening in the Biden years has provoked this backlash. Here’s Nellie Bowles in The FP’s “TGIF” news roundup: Nellie:
For as long as I’ve been paying attention to the immigration issue — since I moved to Texas in 2003 — majorities of Americans have wanted a more restricted immigration policy. And nothing serious happened to give them that. Republican presidents, Democratic presidents — nothing. Republican Congresses, Democratic Congresses — nothing. Don’t blame people for being fed freaking up, and supporting harsh action. Meanwhile, over here in Europe, there was another knife attack in Germany yesterday, by a migrant. It’s getting to be a daily thing. If the German people somehow get over their self-hatred and vote AfD, and start deportations, do not be surprised, my fellow Americans. The US media are not giving you a remotely complete picture of what’s happening over here. It’s curating the Narrative. Along those lines, the absurd Keir Starmer Zombie Leftist government is responding to the conviction of Axel Rudakubana for the ferocious stabbing of three children by, get this, cracking down on knife sales. The killer was an anti-white racist who was found to have an al-Qaeda training manual and ricin in his possession. Britons tried to report him to police, but nothing happened. Naturally, the problem is … knives. Keep calm and carry on, Britons. Aris Roussinos says the rising anger and frustration in the UK echoes the rise of Irish nationalism in the early 20th century. Excerpt:
I was talking to a London businessman on the journey back yesterday, and asked him about why the British people are so passive in the face of all this. He said, “We aren’t French. The French take to the streets when they are angry. We just seem to have this innate sense that there’s nothing to be done about it but endure.” Bulwark RepublicanismThe Bulwark is the online publication founded by GOP apostate Bill Kristol. Look: This Trump second term is not even a week old, but it is already revealing that the pre-Trump GOP was in many respects controlled opposition to the Democrats. They lacked the courage of their lack of conviction. Now things are better. Twitter yesterday sent me on a search for this 2020 National Review essay by Tanner Greer, in which he argued that the Reformist Conservatism project is dead. It’s well worth reading, to understand the current moment. In this passage, Greer dismissed (correctly) Catholic integralism, but explains why some people care about it:
They are oriented toward resisting not leftist politics but leftist culture. The story of next-generation conservatism, in other words, will be the story of a counterculture. True. If we don’t resist leftist culture, and do so primarily by offering a realistic positive alternative, then resisting leftist politics will do us no good. John Gray On Andrew Sullivan’s PodcastThe British philosopher John Gray is always worth reading and listening to. I’m not a big podcast aficionado, but this interview Andrew Sullivan did with him is ace. At one point, Gray and Sullivan talk about the global population crisis. Sully says yes, the cost of forming families and raising children must have something to do with it, but it cannot be the only explanation. After all (he didn’t say, but might have), many generations in the past have been much poorer than people today, with much dimmer life prospects, and facing much more peril from violence and disease — yet people formed families. After pointing out that this is not just a phenomenon in the West, but a global one, Gray responded:
He went on to say that people want pleasant living, “the enjoyable, congenial life” more than anything else. Because “children cramp that, people are less and less willing to take on that commitment.” Gray added that “the revalorization of sexuality” is another part of it. People today, he said, have made a semi-religion out of sex and sexuality. Sullivan made a remarkable observation: that because of the Pill and reproductive technology, “In some ways, straight people become like gay people … and your attitude towards sex changes a bit, because it becomes purely recreational….” This is exactly what some Catholic critics of contraception have said for decades: that the Pill turns straight people into functional homosexuals, in terms of their attitude towards sex. If pregnancy is not a risk factor, and societal stigma has disappeared, then aside from personal moral qualms, what is to restrict you from sleeping with as many people as you wish? The men moved into talking about gender ideology, and the crackpot idea that maleness and femaleness is chosen. Gray says that contemporary liberals want to deny that sex is a biological given. Gray, on the liberal mindset: “If there’s anything in a human being’s life that’s unchosen, then that’s bad.” Gotta say that I don’t think this is something that is limited to liberals alone. This is the modern mindset. The transhumanist techno-utopians who are in ascendancy now in part because they have captured Trump believe this. Beware of repackaging this idea in a right-wing form. Finally, Sullivan talks about how Islam and Eastern Orthodox Christianity are drawing converts. He says he has a “Houellebecqian” fear that “The religions that will endure are those that are the least compromising.” Well, yes, I think he’s right about that. About Orthodoxy, though, it is not what people may think from the outside. What makes it “uncompromising” is that it is deeply pre-modern. It has not tried to make peace with the modern world, as Catholicism has, especially with the Second Vatican Council. A figure like Pope Francis is unthinkable in Orthodoxy (and if he did arise, thank God the ecclesial structure of Orthodoxy would limit his influence; we have no figure like the pope). But Orthodoxy is not primarily a religion of the Law, in that religious leaders define doctrine, hand it down, and expect to be obeyed. It is far more subtle than that. Orthodoxy is less a set of propositions and rules to follow, and more a way of life that gets internalized, and that you live out because it is less the Law and more the Tao. This is really difficult to explain to people on the outside. As I’ve written here before, when I first entered the Orthodox church, I asked a priest for a book that tells me what Orthodoxy teaches, in full, so that I could study it. He replied that those books exist, but that’s not the way to become Orthodox. You become Orthodox over time, by living it out, and absorbing it, allowing it to change you. I didn’t understand. Almost two decades later, I do. Once you take on the Orthodox mindset (phronema), it all makes sense, naturally. Iain McGilchrist, who is not Orthodox, once told me that of all the forms of Christianity extant, Orthodoxy is the one that most conforms to what he believes is the proper balance between left-brain and right-brain. As an Orthodox Christian reader of McGilchrist’s, I entirely agree. This is why I hope that Catholic and Protestant readers of Living In Wonder will see in the Orthodox things I write about in the book some practical help for rejuvenating their own spiritual life. Big Business & Gender IdeologyBillboard Chris, the indefatigable anti-transing children campaigner, went to Davos this week. He even made into onto a discussion at a pro-trans panel. Click here to watch: Note that one of the panelists said she has been talking to CEOs there, and they all promise that they are not going to roll back DEI, despite the criticism. I believe she’s telling the truth. Whether those CEOs were just telling her that to calm her down, or whether they really believe it — only time will tell. I would bet that most of them really believe it, because DEI is held to with religious fervor by that elite class. As I’ve written here before, it is impossible to overstate the conformist power among elites of being seen as a Good Person. This is why no Republican leader ever pushed back against this stuff prior to Trump. They were terrified of being seen as a Bad Person by the media and other elites. Trump is the Honey Badger of politics: he doesn’t care. (That’s a link to the megaviral Randall video from some years back; he drops some profanity in it, so be aware.) That’s it from the Man Cave today. You kids have fun this weekend. Don’t forget this iconic billboard message from our friends in north Alabama: |