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9 Ways to beat the Resistance
January 23, 2025
January 23, 2025

9 Ways for Trump to Beat the Resistance

By Jack Gleason

While we celebrate President Trump’s successful inauguration, we must pause to ask, “Will he be able to accomplish his mission to make America great, free, prosperous, safe, and healthy again?”

In December 2023, pollster Scott Rasmussen sounded an alarm about our elections when he told us that 20% of Americans admitted they mailed in absentee ballots fraudulently.  This could have been a major cause of Trump’s “loss” in 2020.

Last month, Rasmussen’s company, RMG Research, released another earth-shattering poll, concluding, “An astonishing 42% of the Washington, D.C. federal managers said they intend to fight the potential second term for President Donald Trump.”

Could these Deep State bureaucrats derail Trump’s success?

From NewsX:

Democratic-leaning managers are particularly opposed [to Trump’s policies], with nearly three quarters of them planning to take on Trump’s administration. The survey reveals a deepening divide in the federal workforce especially at the higher income and senior levels.

The most important finding of the poll is the chasm within the federal workforce. Federal government managers, including top employees in D.C., are sharply divided. While 89% of Republican managers said they would carry out Trump’s policies, only 17% of Democratic managers said they would obey presidential orders that they considered to be bad policy.

In contrast, 64% of Democratic respondents said they would ignore such orders and follow their own judgment. [snip]

But the American public seems less than sympathetic to bureaucratic defiance. ... Fifty-four percent of Main Street Americans think federal employees who disobey presidential orders should be fired. ... Of Republicans ... 74% think federal employees who flout legal orders should be fired.

Federal employees’ political donations back this up.  “Federal employees have donated at least $1.8 million to the major candidates for president in 2020, with nearly 60% of that total going to former Vice President Joe Biden.”

The more important factor is the ratio of Trump to Biden support in each agency.

Notice above which agencies are strongly for Trump (DOD and DHS), which are even (USDA, Energy, HUD, and SBA), and which favor Biden, (Treasury, DOJ, DOI, Labor, HHS, DOT, Ed, VA, and EPA).

In the real world, a business is composed of the owner or CEO, upper management, and employees.  The CEO gives management a plan, and they direct their employees to accomplish it.  If Brian Niccol of Starbucks wants a new coffee flavor, “Pistachio Mocha Peppermint,” he tells his New Beverage Innovation and Development Lab to come up with a recipe: “3 pumps Pistachio, 2 pumps Mocha, and 1 pump Peppermint.”  After testing and approval, it is rolled out to the stores.

But what if local baristas unilaterally decide to follow their own opinions?  Some want the ratio to be 1, 2, 3; others choose 4, 1, 1.  What if some don’t like pistachio and choose almond or even lime?

In the real world, an employee who doesn’t follow orders is fired.

If a DHS employee is allowed to ignore a lawful order from Kristi Noem, the Trump Train goes right off the tracks.  And a single disloyal employee can leak sensitive information about a new operation that could cost the lives of officers in the field.

In the past, government employees have often worked internally to oppose new administrations.  They would continue policies from the previous administration or actively push back against new directives.

Is this the left’s ace up the sleeve?  To rely on loyalists within the government to deny, delay, and obstruct everything Trump orders?  Just recently we heard that the guards won’t release the pardoned J6 prisoners.

Can disloyal or disobedient workers be fired?

The process of firing federal government employees is governed by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978.  Employees can be dismissed only for “just cause” — misconduct, incompetence, or failure to meet performance standards.  Employees are entitled to due process: they must be notified of the reasons for their termination and have an opportunity to appeal.

This process of investigation through dismissal can take significant time and money depending on the infraction.  And many federal employees belong to unions, which have negotiated terms regarding discipline and termination.  Union members typically have access to legal representation when facing disciplinary actions, which can further complicate the firing process.

If employees are hard to fire, could President Trump eliminate all or parts of an agency?

Trump can propose budget cuts, reorganization, or the elimination of federal agencies, but the creation and abolition of entire departments typically requires an act of Congress, where the margin of control is razor-thin.  If a department were to be cut, employees would be subject to termination, but employment laws would still have to be followed.

So how can President Trump ensure that his plans are carried out?

1. It will be vital for the president and his Cabinet members to clearly communicate written policies and expectations to bureaucratic agencies, detailing specific goals and timelines.

2. Mandatory training on new policies and procedures will ensure that employees understand their roles and responsibilities.  This can reduce instances of insubordination or incompetence and facilitate disciplinary action if needed.

3. Regular performance reviews can hold individual employees accountable for their actions.  Their work must be monitored closely, perhaps even using A.I.

4. During COVID, many federal agencies shifted to remote work and established telework policies.  A report last month from the Public Buildings Reform Board uncovered federal agencies using just 12% of the space in their headquarters buildings.  Trump can announce the end of all COVID policies and require all employees to return to work.  Any who refuse to comply can be terminated.

5. Trump should embark on a public media blitz to generate support to eliminate wasteful departments and reduce union control of government agencies overseeing areas of critical importance.

6. To reduce spending, any government buildings not being used at 100% can have their employees relocated.  Some D.C. offices can move to less costly cities, and the buildings can be sold.  Perhaps Trump can conduct a photo op tour inside a vacant federal building.

7. Barack Obama used his regulatory agencies and executive orders to push through policies that could not gain traction in Congress.  For example, the EPA implemented stricter emissions standards, and the Department of Education made progressive changes to educational policy.  Although there is no definitive evidence that Obama systematically identified and fired conservative employees, cultures within certain agencies favored progressive ideologies.  Those who disagreed often encountered a hostile work environment, and many resigned.  His administration encouraged “diversity” in hiring, which added even more liberal employees.  President Trump just announced that he is repealing all policies that favor social considerations over actual qualifications to perform the work along with a total ban on new regulations.

8. Trump can freeze all hiring and reassign existing workers to fill any vacancies.

9. Leakers, especially of sensitive information that could harm federal agents, must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Although the RINO/left/Deep State’s efforts at impeachment, lawfare, election fraud, and assassination have all failed, we mustn’t let the administrative state and their rogue actors derail President Trump and his efforts to restore America.

Jack Gleason is a conservative commonsense political writer.  His email is [email protected], and his always-free Substack is

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January 01, 2025
Local's Lounge - All are welcome

Padre - Tom Miller invited you to a Microsoft Teams Meeting series:

The Local's Lounge with the ADD Irregulars - Home of Coffee Talk, Speakeasies, Schmoozes, Tea Times, Afterhours and other gatherings.

Coffee Talk - 6:00 AM Central - Daily
Afternoon Chats - Tuesdays, Friday & Sundays at 2:00 PM Central
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Please look for notifications for Speakeasies, Tea Times, Schmoozes & Afterhours for gatherings of the gang. New comers welcome, become an Irregular today!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025
6:00 AM - 8:00 AM (CST)
Occurs every day starting 1/1 until 12/31

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First, if the president is to blame for a county health department in Ohio shuddering a program we have a problem. So please some one tell me why Trump is to blame for this. I genuinely want to know how this works.

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January 27, 2025
Rod Dreher on J. D. Vance
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J.D. Vance: Comprehensively Pro-Life

And: Farm Life Truth Bombs; Bulwark Republicanism; John Gray; Davos & Gender

Jan 25

Hello from the Man Cave in Budapest. I shouldn’t be writing today — I have laundry to do, and other things to write — but there are several things I want to share with you, and I don’t want to wait till Monday. Y’all remember that I gave you this weekend extra when the day comes that I can’t write a regular weekday post.

If you missed Vice President J.D. Vance’s speech at the March For Life Rally, watch it here. What I found most appealing was Vance’s placing of pro-life activism within the context of family formation. That is, he connected the right to life of the unborn to a broader culture of life in which children are welcomed into intact and thriving families. From the transcript of the speech:

Now the task of our movement is to protect innocent life. It's to defend the unborn and it's also to be pro-family and pro-life in the fullest sense of that word possible. Now, across my own lifetime, I can't tell you the number of friends and other acquaintances I've had who, facing a pregnancy or the prospect of one, react not with joy but with concern. They wonder how can they afford it; what will it mean for their education, their career, their relationship or their family?

And I know how many of you in this crowd have devoted immeasurable time and resources to help answer those questions and to lend a hand to young people facing a moment of desperation. But by and large, our society, our country has not yet stepped up in the way you have; and our government certainly has failed in that important responsibility. We failed a generation not only by permitting a culture of abortion on demand but also by neglecting to help young parents achieve the ingredients they need to [live] a happy and meaningful life. A culture of radical individualism took root, one where the responsibilities and joys of family life were seen as obstacles to overcome, not as personal fulfillment or personal blessings. Our society has failed to recognize the obligation that one generation has to another, is a core part of living in a society to begin with.

So let me say very simply: I want more babies in the United States of America. I want more happy children in our country, and I want beautiful young men and women who are eager to welcome them into the world and eager to raise them.

And it is the task of our government to make it easier for young moms and dads to afford to have kids, to bring them into the world and to welcome them as the blessings that we know they are here at the March for Life.

Now, it should be easier to raise a family, easier to find a good job, easier to build a home to raise that family in, easier to save up and purchase a good stroller, a crib for a nursery. We need a culture that celebrates life at all stages, one that recognizes and truly believes that the benchmark of national success is not our GDP number or our stock market, but whether people feel that they can raise thriving and healthy families in our country.

Amen. Hallelujah. And:


Truth Bombs From Farm Life

Now, here’s a great essay from The Free Press by Larissa Phillips, who gave up Brooklyn life back in 2010 and moved with her husband and kids to a farm upstate. She writes about the things she’s learned about reality there. Excerpt:

Living on a farm demystifies the act of sex, bringing it back from a filtered, scripted, and commercialized display to a common earthly fact that is one part of a larger cycle. It also demystifies, well, sex—as in, the distinction between what’s male and what’s female.

As we were settling into rural life, the existence of this binary was becoming a topic of public debate, with actual scientists arguing against it. I was starting to wonder whether the fact that Americans are increasingly cut off from nature had something to do with this shift. Of course, gender ideology has reached rural areas, including ours, but it’s hard for anyone who’s grown up around unneutered animals to make the argument that binary sex doesn’t exist, as Scientific American did last year. Male animals fight constantly over territory and women. Testosterone is a mighty force. Female animals are less aggressive and less territorial—except when their young are threatened. In 2022, when The New York Times published an essay titled “Maternal Instinct is a Myth That Men Created,” I was busy marveling over the animal mothers on my farm, who exhibit the most astonishing commitment to their offspring.

I’ve seen mother hens keep track of more than a dozen chicks—and wait for number 14, who was struggling to catch up, unseen and unheard. (Can chickens count? How did she know she was missing one?) I’ve seen mother goats sniffing the kids that wander up to them, and irritably butting away the ones that aren’t theirs.

“It’s the same with humans,” I told my own children. “Your own baby smells so delicious, it’s intoxicating. Other people’s babies smell like baby powder and apple juice.”

The more time I have spent with animals, the more they remind me of humans. It’s humbling to recognize that we share deep and powerful instincts with other creatures. But it’s awe-inspiring too. Seeing how sex shapes life, just as death does, makes me feel connected to something bigger than myself.

We ought to all start to understand that the entire country has been gaslighted for a long time by liberal elites. Five years from now (if it takes that long), most people will look back in amusement and horror that we ever believed in things like transing children, advocated for it in schools (poisoning the minds of children against their own natural functions), and mandated protecting it in law. Personally, I saw the transing children issue as a bright red line: if a society and a civilization can accept doing that to children as a good, what won’t it accept? I don’t think we will be free from that evil until it is buried in the grave with a necklace of garlic and a stake through its heart.

The acceleration of the Great Awokening in the Biden years has provoked this backlash. Here’s Nellie Bowles in The FP’s “TGIF” news roundup:



Yes: 55 percent of Americans want all illegal immigrants deported. That is millions of people, many of whom have been here for decades, rounded up in an unprecedented population shift. This used to be considered an extremely radical position.

It turns out that Joe Biden’s immigration policy was so unhinged, it made even normie liberals flip. Joe Biden’s open border policy—and the gaslighting his supporters performed to pretend there was no policy shift—drove America en masse, like a migrant surge, to want extremely hardcore border control. Now everyone is a Texas border cop with some dip under their lip and some barbed wire in the truck.

For as long as I’ve been paying attention to the immigration issue — since I moved to Texas in 2003 — majorities of Americans have wanted a more restricted immigration policy. And nothing serious happened to give them that. Republican presidents, Democratic presidents — nothing. Republican Congresses, Democratic Congresses — nothing.

Don’t blame people for being fed freaking up, and supporting harsh action. Meanwhile, over here in Europe, there was another knife attack in Germany yesterday, by a migrant. It’s getting to be a daily thing. If the German people somehow get over their self-hatred and vote AfD, and start deportations, do not be surprised, my fellow Americans. The US media are not giving you a remotely complete picture of what’s happening over here. It’s curating the Narrative.

Along those lines, the absurd Keir Starmer Zombie Leftist government is responding to the conviction of Axel Rudakubana for the ferocious stabbing of three children by, get this, cracking down on knife sales. The killer was an anti-white racist who was found to have an al-Qaeda training manual and ricin in his possession. Britons tried to report him to police, but nothing happened. Naturally, the problem is … knives. Keep calm and carry on, Britons.

Aris Roussinos says the rising anger and frustration in the UK echoes the rise of Irish nationalism in the early 20th century. Excerpt:

This restive mood was not so different from the mounting perception on the British Right that the Westminster state in its current form is undergoing an existential, and perhaps terminal crisis of legitimacy. Repeatedly failing, through its own ideological obsessions, at the basic function of any state — that is, ensuring the security of the people — Westminster is eroding its popular legitimacy at a frenetic pace. Indeed, given the ongoing and apparently limitless revelations of the British state’s seeming collusion with rape gangs in northern England, and demographic vandalism against the British people through its commitment to mass migration, the Irish nationalist John Mitchel’s 1845 assertion that “The people are beginning to fear that the Irish Government is merely a machinery for their destruction”, would strike a chord in provincial England today. So would Mitchel’s Trumpian observation that the British administration was “altogether powerless; that it is unable, or unwilling to take a single step…for the encouragement of manufactures, or providing fields of industry, and is only active in promoting, by high premiums and bounties, the horrible manufacture of crimes!” The relationship with Irish nationalism is typological, as through its late-stage dysfunction the Westminster state is birthing a classical nationalism of its own against its own rule, dragging the country towards political modernity. In Nairn-Anderson terms, we can say Britain is finally approaching its second bourgeois revolution.

I was talking to a London businessman on the journey back yesterday, and asked him about why the British people are so passive in the face of all this. He said, “We aren’t French. The French take to the streets when they are angry. We just seem to have this innate sense that there’s nothing to be done about it but endure.”

Bulwark Republicanism

The Bulwark is the online publication founded by GOP apostate Bill Kristol. Look:


This Trump second term is not even a week old, but it is already revealing that the pre-Trump GOP was in many respects controlled opposition to the Democrats. They lacked the courage of their lack of conviction. Now things are better.

Twitter yesterday sent me on a search for this 2020 National Review essay by Tanner Greer, in which he argued that the Reformist Conservatism project is dead. It’s well worth reading, to understand the current moment. In this passage, Greer dismissed (correctly) Catholic integralism, but explains why some people care about it:

Through the wonkish lens that Levin and Ponnuru wished more conservatives would adopt, Catholic integralism is pure fancy, a flight through fairyland. Catholic traditionalists are a minority of a minority: They represent only a tiny sliver of American Catholics (who are in turn only a fraction of the American populace writ large). Their vision of the common good cannot be reconciled even with the hopes and desires of Protestant conservatives. There is no constituency for their project, no possible way to marry it to American tradition or current American political practice. American society simply will never be remade along the lines of 19th-century Catholic theology. This is an eschatological fantasy masquerading as a political program — or in Levin and Ponnuru’s politer, more measured terms: “policy thinking short on discipline and mooring.”

But why, then, it is having a moment with the young thinkers of the Right?

Because government policy is not really what they care about. The young conservative is attracted to integralism not because they think its vision of the good is attainable, but because the integralists unapologetically advance a vision of the good. The integralists can tell them why the doctrines of the Great Awokening are malevolent falsehoods. The integralists provide a reason to stand strong against the social pressures of the woke. The integralists know what kind of man men should strive to be, what kind of woman women deserve to be, what purpose their life should be devoted to, and what rules and emotions should govern the relations of one human with another. They do not just endorse a stronger civic society — they have a gloriously specific vision of what worthy civic society actually looks like. They have a vision of human flourishing all their own, equal to and as compelling as the ethics and aesthetics fostered on them by the leftist over-culture.

This is true for all of the various poles of thought that those repelled by the Great Awokening have turned to. Be it the evo-pysch-infused “classical liberalism” of Jordan Peterson and the Intellectual Dark Web, the meme-based machismo of the Internet alt-right, Thiel-inspired techno-futurism, or the integralist’s Benedict Optioning cousins, these movements all share a key feature. They are oriented toward resisting not leftist politics but leftist culture. The story of next-generation conservatism, in other words, will be the story of a counterculture. Debates over what shape that counterculture should take cannot be resolved by a more “disciplined” policy environment.

Little wonder then that the reformocon vision of the future struggled to take hold! Reformocons argued for the centrality of community without endorsing any concrete vision of communal life. They described the need to build new institutions without committing themselves to any specific institutions. They authored wonkish proposals to strengthen family formation but painted no picture of families worth forming. The visions of the reformocons were colorless and empty. This was by design: Like a coloring book, every community and family could fill out the pre-printed designs with whatever color palette they treasured most. That worked when conservatives had an organic set of treasured traditions, values, and relationships to fill the blanks in with. Now they do not, and the reformocon platform is found wanting.

They are oriented toward resisting not leftist politics but leftist culture. The story of next-generation conservatism, in other words, will be the story of a counterculture.

True. If we don’t resist leftist culture, and do so primarily by offering a realistic positive alternative, then resisting leftist politics will do us no good.

John Gray On Andrew Sullivan’s Podcast

The British philosopher John Gray is always worth reading and listening to. I’m not a big podcast aficionado, but this interview Andrew Sullivan did with him is ace. At one point, Gray and Sullivan talk about the global population crisis. Sully says yes, the cost of forming families and raising children must have something to do with it, but it cannot be the only explanation. After all (he didn’t say, but might have), many generations in the past have been much poorer than people today, with much dimmer life prospects, and facing much more peril from violence and disease — yet people formed families.

After pointing out that this is not just a phenomenon in the West, but a global one, Gray responded:

I think the deep thing that’s happening is the rise of a very radical form of individualism everywhere in the world. … It means making meaning out of your own life in the way that you choose to do. So if you don’t see procreating the next generation out of that, you won’t do it.

He went on to say that people want pleasant living, “the enjoyable, congenial life” more than anything else. Because “children cramp that, people are less and less willing to take on that commitment.”

Gray added that “the revalorization of sexuality” is another part of it. People today, he said, have made a semi-religion out of sex and sexuality. Sullivan made a remarkable observation: that because of the Pill and reproductive technology, “In some ways, straight people become like gay people … and your attitude towards sex changes a bit, because it becomes purely recreational….” This is exactly what some Catholic critics of contraception have said for decades: that the Pill turns straight people into functional homosexuals, in terms of their attitude towards sex. If pregnancy is not a risk factor, and societal stigma has disappeared, then aside from personal moral qualms, what is to restrict you from sleeping with as many people as you wish?

The men moved into talking about gender ideology, and the crackpot idea that maleness and femaleness is chosen. Gray says that contemporary liberals want to deny that sex is a biological given. Gray, on the liberal mindset: “If there’s anything in a human being’s life that’s unchosen, then that’s bad.”

Gotta say that I don’t think this is something that is limited to liberals alone. This is the modern mindset. The transhumanist techno-utopians who are in ascendancy now in part because they have captured Trump believe this. Beware of repackaging this idea in a right-wing form.

Finally, Sullivan talks about how Islam and Eastern Orthodox Christianity are drawing converts. He says he has a “Houellebecqian” fear that “The religions that will endure are those that are the least compromising.” Well, yes, I think he’s right about that. About Orthodoxy, though, it is not what people may think from the outside. What makes it “uncompromising” is that it is deeply pre-modern. It has not tried to make peace with the modern world, as Catholicism has, especially with the Second Vatican Council. A figure like Pope Francis is unthinkable in Orthodoxy (and if he did arise, thank God the ecclesial structure of Orthodoxy would limit his influence; we have no figure like the pope).

But Orthodoxy is not primarily a religion of the Law, in that religious leaders define doctrine, hand it down, and expect to be obeyed. It is far more subtle than that. Orthodoxy is less a set of propositions and rules to follow, and more a way of life that gets internalized, and that you live out because it is less the Law and more the Tao.

This is really difficult to explain to people on the outside. As I’ve written here before, when I first entered the Orthodox church, I asked a priest for a book that tells me what Orthodoxy teaches, in full, so that I could study it. He replied that those books exist, but that’s not the way to become Orthodox. You become Orthodox over time, by living it out, and absorbing it, allowing it to change you. I didn’t understand. Almost two decades later, I do. Once you take on the Orthodox mindset (phronema), it all makes sense, naturally.

Iain McGilchrist, who is not Orthodox, once told me that of all the forms of Christianity extant, Orthodoxy is the one that most conforms to what he believes is the proper balance between left-brain and right-brain. As an Orthodox Christian reader of McGilchrist’s, I entirely agree. This is why I hope that Catholic and Protestant readers of Living In Wonder will see in the Orthodox things I write about in the book some practical help for rejuvenating their own spiritual life.

Big Business & Gender Ideology

Billboard Chris, the indefatigable anti-transing children campaigner, went to Davos this week. He even made into onto a discussion at a pro-trans panel. Click here to watch:


Note that one of the panelists said she has been talking to CEOs there, and they all promise that they are not going to roll back DEI, despite the criticism. I believe she’s telling the truth. Whether those CEOs were just telling her that to calm her down, or whether they really believe it — only time will tell. I would bet that most of them really believe it, because DEI is held to with religious fervor by that elite class. As I’ve written here before, it is impossible to overstate the conformist power among elites of being seen as a Good Person. This is why no Republican leader ever pushed back against this stuff prior to Trump. They were terrified of being seen as a Bad Person by the media and other elites. Trump is the Honey Badger of politics: he doesn’t care. (That’s a link to the megaviral Randall video from some years back; he drops some profanity in it, so be aware.)

That’s it from the Man Cave today. You kids have fun this weekend. Don’t forget this iconic billboard message from our friends in north Alabama:

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January 21, 2025
From American Thinker
Remembering Trump's Journey

Remembering Trump's Journey

A day after the January 6th protests at the Capitol, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham addressed a joint session of Congress on the Senate floor:

"Trump and I, we've had a hell of a journey. I hate it to end this way. Oh my God, I hate it… All I can say is a count me out."

Why should Graham's speech matter? Simply because Graham, who is a human manifestation of a chameleon, assumed, like other D.C. swamp rats, that after the January 6th 'insurrection,' it was the end of Trump. Hence, he ceased all pretense of supporting Trump and explicitly declared his abandonment of the man whose endorsement made his reelection possible.

It wasn't only the odious Graham and his swamp mates. Even Trump's well-meaning allies and ardent supporters, despite their hopes for miracles, assumed that Trump's political career was finished.

This insurrection hoax was the latest attack on Trump.

During his presidency, Trump was baselessly accused of colluding with Russia to rig the 2016 elections in his favor. The House baselessly impeached him by falsely claiming he was holding back aid to Ukraine in exchange for 'dirt' on his political opponent Joe Biden.

While these were the overarching narratives., there were myriad tertiary lies peddled about Trump being traitorous, bigoted, ignorant, unstable, impulsive, crude, lewd, capricious, and so much more.

After he left office, the attacks on Trump increased. The House impeached him again, this time based on the insurrection hoax. After that, the Biden administration began abusing its power in order to target Donald Trump.

First, the January 6th committee was set up which, like the Russian collusion hoax probe, consisted exclusively of Trump adversaries. This was followed by a Stalinist show trial for which TV producers were hired to spice up the proceedings.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago home was raided and his family's privacy was invaded on false premises that he held classified documents, this occurred despite Trump's lawyers negotiating the return of documents. It was also revealed that deadly force was authorized during the raid.

But there was more to come.

Four criminal indictments were filed against Donald Trump, and the basis of all these trials was flimsy.  

In May 2024, Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in a New York court of falsifying business records in the first degree related to payments made to Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential election. The targeting was so obvious that even Trump haters such as Fareed Zakaria admitted that the Democrats were going too far.

The media and politicized government agencies were flagbearers of these hoaxes. No other leader has been subjected to such relentless and vicious attacks.

It has to be remembered that all these attacks during and after his presidency would have stopped if Trump had made a deal with the establishment and quit politics. He could have returned to a comfortable and easy life. But instead, he remained steadfast. 

It wasn't just the judicial overreach. When the GOP underperformed during the 2022 midterms, the mainstream media, and even the usually pro-Trump alternative media, blamed Trump and used it as a basis to claim that Trump was no longer an election winner.

The Murdochs, who are supposed to have their pulse on GOP politics, appeared to abandon Trump in favor of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Trump faced even tougher challenges. He was the target of two assassination attempts in 2024. A bullet barely missed Trump during an address in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most humans would have fled in fear and even quit the race. But once again Trump faced the storm fearlessly, displaying defiance and a fighting spirit.

During such times when one is likely to pay the ultimate price, individuals reveal their true character, Trump proved that his bravado isn't just in utterances but actions as well. Such exemplary courage is impossible to fake.

We must also remember the unfathomable stress faced not only by Trump but his family members during these attacks.

When Trump ran for president again in November 2022, even his well-wishers wondered if a victory was possible. They had good reason to doubt. The mainstream media was totally against Trump, which meant narratives could be set without much challenge. There were myriad irregularities in the 2020 elections, and many wondered if this could ever be stopped.

There were also concerns about voters who would either believe media lies about Trump or would be the kind who loved his policies but despised his 'baggage.' 'Pundits' claimed that 'minorities' would never vote for Trump. They began predicting violence from Trump supporters and Trump spending the rest of his life in jail, following his ignominious defeat. To sum it up, the impediments seemed insurmountable.

In most Presidential elections, the candidates take on their opponents. Trump, on the other hand, was taking on the D.C. Democrat establishment, the legacy media, Hollywood, the 'intellectual' class, pollsters, academia, corporate houses, etc.

On November 5, 2024, most Trump supporters expected the worst and then the results began to trickle in and it was a total triumph. Trump won the Electoral College, the popular vote, and 2,552 out of 3144 counties. This was a total triumph

The voters have proved themselves to be fairminded and intelligent, they weren't deceived by media propaganda or endorsement by celebrities.

Trump and his campaign did magnificently on many fronts, and they used alternative media very effectively. Trump appeared on various podcasts that had no restrictions over questions or time limits. 

Musk's takeover of X (Twitter) meant that the platform reflected the truth unlike before where the narratives were 'managed' following directions from the establishment. Musk added various tools such as community notes that exposed various Democrat lies.

Trump had managed various unique campaign events including the one where he served food at a Pennsylvania McDonald's. The campaign worked on the ground to curtail Democrat electoral fraud. Trump was his usual self, with his showmanship and his sense of humor, but he appeared more disciplined than he was in 2016 or 2020.  

To sum it up, the campaign was joyous, focused, and efficient, and there were no major mistakes.

The main reason for this success was that the basis for this campaign was substance. Trump's first term pledged safety and prosperity in the U.S. and peace globally. What makes it remarkable is that it was achieved while the establishment was relentlessly hurling proverbial bombs at him.

The results of the 2024 elections exceeded expectations which made it seem surreal. This triumph was reminiscent of episodes in mythology such as David vs. Goliath where victories are achieved despite insurmountable challenges.

During moments of jubilation to celebrate a triumph, people often forget the journey, the agony, and the obstacles.

Trump is leading his country by example and inspiring all, especially those who have become cynical, that there is still hope if one perseveres, strives, and remains focused in the face of challenges.  

While we celebrate Trump's swearing-in and the dawn of a new era, we must also celebrate the journey where seemingly insurmountable obstacles were overcome.

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December 21, 2024
The Utterly Delicious Humiliation of Our Intelligentsia
From Elizabeth Nickson's Substack- MAGA is America's hidden brains trust
We n Silicon Valley were floored that Trump got nominated. Then that 10Xed when he won, 10Xed again with the Steele Dossier, 10Xed again with Charlottesville, 10Xed again with impeachment, and again with both Covid and BLM.

It was like this incredible ramping up of emotion and drama and change.”

(It was then that Andreessen took a step back and considered.)

“I don’t understand what’s happening on the left and I don’t understand these purges.”

-Honestly podcast - Bari Weiss and Marc Andreessen

It’s the voice that drives me crazy. The drawl, the self-satisfied well-fed glottal stop, layers of expensive fat choking the windpipe, I can even hear that. Even the quickness of speech annoys me. So certain, no pause for reflection, just words unfurling from a 3 Sigma intelligence. Never missed a meal, anxiety curbed by privilege so entrenched they can’t even imagine. Thin, carefully enhanced thirty year old women, the cynicism of a bored aristocrat bleeding from their voices, that vocal fry drawling, knowing it all, having seen it all, never having left their Ivy colleges, their leafy suburbs, never going without anything, much less a desperately needed holiday, rent money, food, dentistry for their kids. My fingers itch to slap them.

They bankrupted us. They ruined the lives of the bottom 70%. They spent ALL the money. They then proceeded to bankrupt the world. And, realizing the money was all gone, their gamemasters tried to kill us off, first with an engineered virus that failed, then with a vaccine that didn’t. Then they ran up $10 trillion in four years trying to keep the vegetable in power, to get to that point where the Green New Deal paid off in torrents of lovely other people’s money. Which was such a stupid idea that clearly IQ has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with wisdom.

Every time you hear one of these ghastly regime-puppets-opinionated-fatuous-gym hardened-glossed-up made-up gargoyles speak, think: you bastards bankrupted the world. And you don’t even know it. This character demonstrates how legalistic, how extractive, how unprincipled this class is. I mean, just yuck.


People like this idiot stole everything. Everything. And then they prance around with a substitute set of values: DEI and ESG, and force them on the people already ruined. And those moronic ideas destroyed the little they hadn’t taken.

Back when I was a Bolshevik I was fretting to my geneticist cousin (world renowned for the credentialed) about my brilliant daughter and her brilliant father, and the breeding of the brilliant creating an oligarchy of the brilliant, so detached from nature and culture they bring down the world. (Which is today)

Nope, said Bob. First, genius is a freak occurrence and evenly distributed across the population. Further a genius in the working or middle class is likely to be possessed of so much ambition and energy it will repel them out of their environment so fast, they will forget where they came from.

He didn’t say that last phrase. I added it because that is where we are today. Marc Andreeesen, Netscape inventor and insanely successful digital investor, is instructive. I don’t want to pick on him particularly, because he seems like a jolly fellow, but he admits to being totally bowled over by Trump’s win in 2016, despite the fact he comes from a rural Wisconsin farming community.

“It’s all staunch Trump country. Farmer world was in for Trump early and hard.”

I’d lost touch with the culture.

I tried to reset my own psychology and I need to read a lot. I had to rebuild my world view.”

How the actual fuck (I’m sorry there is no other appropriate word) did someone so (apparently) brilliant miss what was happening in his home town? I knew it was happening by 2007 and they weren’t my people. But it was happening to his family. To his people. This bespeaks an arrogance and pride and blindness worthy of Charles 1 and he was beheaded in the public square.

Again, Andreessen is one of the honest ones. I can’t read the others. I don’t know what treat I would have to promise myself to read the Atlantic. David Frum? I couldn’t afford the freight - a Rolex? Instead I’d be racking my metaphorical shotgun. I cannot for the life of me understand the forbearance of the deplorables with these ghastly people and their ability to write 15,000 insanely boring words demanding the confiscation of the lives of their tax slaves.

I grew up in the Wasp oligarchy. that skein of families that runs down the east coast of the U.S. and Canada, who started arriving with their Puritan views, their Christian ecstasies, their city on a hill in 1630, which marked the first flood of ships. This was starting to die in the 1970’s, about to be overwhelmed then drowned by people like Andreessen and his crowd in Silicon Valley, his ultra-credentialed cohorts in government, in the corporate world, in the Great Game. All the geniuses from the working and obscure middle class flooded into the centres of power and were well entrenched by 2010, so brilliant they got all the glittering prizes.

But we lasted 400 years. They lasted 50. We will see their death, their gasping flapping on the dock, their floundering around for wreckage to cling to, their slinking over to the side of the people they called garbage. Their attempt to find a berth using ideas they have been trained to loathe. They won’t come back. It’s over for them. They have failed. Wednesday’s Continuing Resolution illustrates their retreat pattern.

They were giving themselves a 35% raise, for one. They were continuing the pandemic/WHO biometric tracking regime, and they were funding the International Censorship Regime. There were billions of dollars going to various pet projects, a last lovely looting of the public purse before it all came to a crashing end.

And Republicans were going to vote for it. Of course they were, they were getting another $60K a year.

The deplorables rose up in a great wave and defeated it. Oh I know the blithering morons think it was Trump and Musk, but trust me on this, Trump and Musk are a symptom, not a cause. The blowback, the underlying thinking had been developing for forty years among the garbage people. Trump is our weapon. So is Musk. They. Follow. Us. They are using our ideas. We are the brains trust.


And Ukraine! You know that was a bunch of stupid entitled women, specifically Samantha Powers, Anne Applebaum, Victoria Nuland who decided, backed by the ghastly freaks at the Atlantic Council and Atlantic Magazine, and David freaking Frum, that girrrrls can play the Great Game of Empire, and decided to put it to that far too male Putin, by refusing to ratify Minsk, by creating a color revolution on his doorstep, by threatening to anchor NATO on his doorstep. And then, when Putin invaded, proceeded to finance enough weaponry to kill 500,000 people.

Don’t forget that. No one stopped them. The whole contraption that forms the “world government”, their “rules-based order”, went along with it. What’s another half a million dead, a million families ruined, the devastation of one of the world’s bread baskets, not to mention abrogating a signed treaty with a nuclear power? We got to be equal with men! We started a war! We put it to the testosterone-rich Marauder Putin, spawn of Ghenghis Khan and a wolf, but not a wolf that needs protection, yet another mindblowingly stupid idiocy of the class visited on the people who feed them.

The same contraption allowed for the incremental invasion of the Chinese Communist Party and its ancillary cartels to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans with fentanyl. It allowed the once great cities to become clogged with human refuse and crime. It allowed education to become unaffordable, housing to become unaffordable, health care to become unaffordable. It allowed an entire state government to be taken over by Mexican cartels - Arizona.

It’s the ignorance that annoys me most. It appears that not one member of the Atlantic staff or in fact, any left-of-centre-public intellectual preening on Youtube, MSNBC, any of the Alphabets, the New York Times, the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal, NPR, knows anything about the hundreds of thousands of missing migrant children. They know nothing about the 100,000,000 Americans walking around with incipient vaccine-caused myocarditis, they know nothing about the Pfizer trials that were kept secret, especially the miscarriage and infertility data. They know nothing about election theft which is wholesale hand-over-fist looting of the public interest. They know nothing about migrant crime where in Auburn, Colorado this week police found an American couple in their 60’s, bound and gagged in their apartment by Venezuelan gangs. They know nothing about green energy causing elderly women not able to pay to heat their homes in the winter - the incidence of which is tearing up the British public at the moment. They know nothing about the outright persecution of rural workers who feed them, they know nothing about the wholesale confiscation of property rights in America to the point where government owns 40% of all land and tightly controls the rest, taking orders from the Ivy-League staffed NGO’s funded by the clever rich to destroy rural activity because “climate change” and “Sixth Great Extinction”, two more bonkers madnesses it would be hard to find.

This is the stupidest intelligentsia since the Regency. Which prefaced the loss of America, and let’s call that the dumbest economic decision made in the last 2,000 years.

And then, this week, we discovered that the Biden administration gamed the GDP of the U.S. And the employment numbers, both very much worse than hitherto stated. In September, the U.S. added 750,000 government jobs. That’s called buying votes. Just recently we discovered that every regulator destroys 158 jobs. In September, Biden’s economic team, anxious to fake the jobs total, created enough government jobs to destroy 118,500,000 jobs. Not all bureaucrats are regulators, but being a regulator is where the power is. That’s their end goal.


Canada’s Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, another female Ukraine war lordette, resigned on Monday, to run Trudeau off the road and then take over the party herself. Too late, little Nazi babe, you destroyed our economy. Your deficit is $68 billion. You and your Laurentian elite cohort literally doubled the national debt inside of 15 years. You added $1.1 trillion attempting carbon neutrality in a country with so many trees, we are already carbon neutral. Here’s a cookie, you’re worse than useless. Go away.

Instead of showering you with terrible economic stats, here is a real politician:

link to speech excerpt

“I talked to a guy at the Labatt’s Brewery and he told me ‘We’ve given up on ever having a home. We can barely make it. I have three jobs. I feel ashamed when I talk to my kids. They ask why I’m never around. Why we can’t afford a house. I feel like a failure.’

“He didn’t fail, he has been failed. He has been robbed of the promise of Canada. It was a very simple promise, that if you worked hard, you got a good life. It wasn’t fancy or extravagant. You got a house. With a yard. Where you could have kids playing safely. And you could have a nice dog you could afford to feed. And your kids could play safely in the streets. That was the promise….”

Our wretched intelligentsia stole that. Hand over fist stole. Every penny to feather their nests, to inflate their egos, to preen and pose at international conferences in whatever field they decided to exploit. Their “democracy”, their “institutions”, their “rules-based order” that requires war after war after war, stole our lives.

Germany’s government fell after the finance minister flamed out. Romania’s superior court cancelled the election because a populist won. France’s new government will probably last a few months, the UK is fit to be tied. Labour, who won the “most seats ever”, but lost the popular vote to the Conservatives and Reform combined, almost certainly gamed those seats and stole them using bundled immigrant votes. Stolen elections cause anger. And so they are.


Equally listen to Eric Weinstein, another refugee from the criminal conspiracy that is polite leftism, about his gobsmackness at the Trump regime. He says this was the common sentiment among his peers. Weinstein, in case you forgot, is a pioneer in “new economic thinking”, as well as a very successful investor and a physicist. This is the kind of person that says things like: “well, right and wrong, these are very simplistic concepts.” He is also not accepting that this is a major hinge in history. He thinks all we need is reform, vis

What we really don’t know is whether this is going to be a disaster or whether it’s going to be a new Golden Age. Trump is going to renegotiate the world and that is really dangerous stuff. We needed to shake this up but this is going up to 11.

In the first Trump term Trump just made stuff up. It was totally idiosyncratic of the moment, and he's the only person who can do Trump. Right?

It's just this completely erratic, drunken boxing routine. Elon is another version of this. He just constantly comes up with new weird things.

You never know what he's going to do next. So that's a terrible situation if you have to hire 10,000 people to run a town that runs the country that influences the world. I think this time around, he knows that.”

Trump is going to break a lot of structure.

Yeah buddy, that’s right. Structure that is sucking the life out of the planet like some deep dark black hole of voracious need. Which is the core identity of our elite, our intelligentsia, a voracious hole of need for recognition, for praise, for prizes and more and more and more money. Like the cousin of one of my best friends, who left with a massive government pension, but more importantly his own “institution” which sucks tens of millions out of the public purse every damned year until he falls off his perch. All it does is feed his outrageous vanity.

Look, out here in the hinterland of misery you have created, people have to rely on their God, and their virtue. There is no ambitious over-riding of principle possible for us out here, like there is for you. You have overridden principle so many times, you don't recognize it anymore. We do. We see you. And we refuse your way of life. Out here in the world we let you create, it’s bare survival, three jobs if we’re lucky. It’s like the founding and instead of bloodthirsty angry Indians and hostile nature, we have government and you lot to fight. We needed God and we needed virtue.

The reason the Wasp oligarchy lasted for four hundred years wasn’t because of the despicable behaviour of the Bushies and Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. It was because the base, the 95%, believed in the divine and sought to integrate it into their lives. Yes, our leaders were often venal, but we kept them leashed, for the most part. Expect that going forward. These people were different from you in that they practiced virtue at home and in their cities. They created American prosperity, the hope of every individual on the planet, not random brainiacs stuffed up to the nose holes with their own grand selves. Virtue aligned with principle enhances intelligence, grounds and empowers it. It beats everything.

My cousin was wrong about geniuses propelling themselves out of their home places into world centres. Not today. The centers are polluted and so corrupt they turn the stomach. The new leaders, replete with virtue and developed, balanced minds, are staying home and forcing change. That’s why the deplorables are the secret brains trust of America. And, I would argue, the world.


Welcome to Absurdistan is not pay-walled, but if you have been here a while, please consider an inexpensive annual subscription. The four years ahead are going to blow off the heads of our sickening corrupt elites and the structure they have built to impoverish us and benefit them. Absurdistan is 100% here for it.

The happiest of Christmases to Absurdistan’s readers. You inspire me. You are the next thing. There is no stopping it now.

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Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists,,How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy, You can read in depth policy papers about various elements of the environmental junta here:

Her essay on the catastrophic failings of Canada's CBC is included in Michael Walsh’s Against the Corporate Media, 42 Ways the Press Hates You, published in September 2024.

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